The value for each TIE Fighter hit starts at 200,000 points + 100,000 points per shot, but can be increased by 200,000 points - maxing out at 2 million points - by shooting any orbit shot. TIE Fighters spawn in front of the two ramp shots as targets.
Scene 8 - Siege of the Maz's Castle: 90 seconds.
After the 60 seconds expire, Kylo Ren can be shot with the ball for 1 million points - 100,000 per hit, ending the scene as Rey is taken into custody. Each shot during this mode normally scores 250,000 points + 250,000 per shot, maxing out at 2 million however, shooting Kylo Ren, whether directly via the flippers or from the plunger, decreases this value by 50,000 points for 10 seconds. All six major shots are lit, but Kylo Ren is blocking the center hole.
Scene 7 - The Encounter with Kylo Ren: 60 seconds. Each shot during the scene scores 100,000 points + 100,000 per shot. Shooting a flashing shot raises a cardboard target of a thug for about 5 seconds. Three shots on either the left or right side of the playfield light at a time, with the center hole constantly lit. Scene 6 - Escape the Freighter: 60 seconds. Once the value hits 1.5 million, the middle Rathtar will lower and the two Rathtars blocking the ramps must be shot once each to win the scene. Each Rathtar hit scores a hurry-up value starting at 2 million points, decreasing by 12,000 per second. The Millennium Falcon is trapped in the Freighter, where our heroes have to defeat Rathtars to survive. Scene 5 - The Freighter: Untimed, though the center Rathtar is only raised for 60 seconds. The scene ends once the 60 seconds expire. Each drop target hit scores 500,000 points increasing by 500,000 per target, to no known limit. The target bank in front of the center hole acts as a drop target bank during this scene, where the goal is to complete as many drop targets as possible within 20 seconds per drop target set to destroy the incoming TIE Fighters. Shooting either orbit when the hurry-up value is at 100,000 points ends the scene as our heroes fly off in the Millennium Falcon. After collecting 10 shots this way, shoot the left ramp to finish this section of the mission and light the orbits to score additional hurry-up values starting at 2 million points. The ball turns into BB-8 during this scene! The hurry-up value starts at 5 million points and decreases by 500,000 points per second, and two / three random shots are lit every 5 seconds or so to collect it. Scene 3 - The Getaway: Untimed, outside of the 20 seconds of bonus scoring at the end. #Star wars the force awakens wiki han solo free
Once the three phases end, shooting the center hole will begin a quick mode where the player has to rapidly mash the flipper and launch buttons to free BB-8 for a hurry-up value starting at 5 million points.
Afterwards, the player will be given three phases to shoot six flashing shots for values starting at 50,000 + 50,000 per shot. The ball will first be sent to the BB-8 playfield, where the player must use the flippers to move BB-8 around and avoid the nets for the same scoring described in the BB-8 Escapes side mode section.
Scene 2 - Find BB-8: Untimed, though the three phases for the second part are 20 seconds each. After the timer expires, a shot to the flashing center hole will end the scene. Each flashing shot collects one piece of scrap metal for 100,000 x the number of flashing shots made, and shooting the center hole sells the scrap metal for 1 million x the number of scrap metal pieces sold. Scene missions prevent side modes from being started however, Jakku Multiball can be started during scenes where the locks for the multiball can be lit. During the first playthrough of all twelve scenes during a game, they will remain active during the next ball if they drain otherwise, they have to be reactivated. While most of the scenes are timed, the player only needs to fulfill a bare minimum requirement to win each scene and qualify the next one, presenting a risk / reward opportunity. The game's twelve scene missions can all be started by shooting the left ramp 3 times (+1 per completion of all 12 missions), and must be played in order. Play through twelve missions and attempt to take the fight to Starkiller Base. Rey, a former scavenger, and Finn, a former Stormtrooper, become unlikely allies on an adventure to reform the Rebellion.